Cumbernauld Airport provides a range of services for pilots visiting the aerodrome. With an 820m asphalt runway and self-service fuelling, we are conveniently located for visiting Glasgow, Edinburgh and Stirling, or make the perfect stopover on the way to explore the stunning North. Our staff will be delighted to assist you on your visit and can arrange for surface transport or local hotel stays. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call on the telephone numbers listed on our contact page.
The airfield is PPR, which can be gained by telephone, email or by application form. In IMC conditions, suitably equipped aircraft may let down at Glasgow & Edinburgh and proceed to Cumbernauld VMC. The runway lights, APAPIS and approach lights can be activated by the pilot from the aircraft (this is on a request basis only).
We would remind visiting pilots to please ensure they are briefed on noise abatement and circuit procedures when in the vicinity of Cumbernauld.
For the latest fuel prices and airport fees, please contact our Ops teams on 01236 722100. Both Avgas Fuel and Jet A1 Fuel is self-service. Jet A1 High Pressure Pump is also available.
Application Form - Indemnity
Noise Abatement Areas and Circuits

Please avoid flying over the red circled areas shown below

For the use of Aircraft Compass Swings – Please call 01236 722822 for information.